Home > biomechZoo > Toolbox > Zoo Conversions > generic2zoo.m



data = GENERIC2ZOO(fld,chHeaderRow,ext,del) converts data from generic spreadsheet


function data= generic2zoo(fld,chHeaderRow,ext,delim,section,del)


 data = GENERIC2ZOO(fld,chHeaderRow,ext,del) converts data from generic spreadsheet
 type files to .zoo format

  fld           ...  Folder (batch process) or full path to individual file (string).
  chHeaderRow   ...  Row where channel headers appear
  ext           ...  Extension of files to convert. 
  delim         ...  Delimiter in file. Default '\n'
  section       ...  Section of zoo file 'video' or 'analog'. Default 'video'
  del           ...  option to delete c3d file after creating zoo file. 
                     Default:'no' or false

  data  ...  zoo data. Return if fld is individual file 

 - text style documents with the following elecments will be properly read by this
   a) 'n' rows of headers: If these rows are of the form 'x = y'. The
   element on the left of the equal sign will be stored as a name while the element on 
   the right of the equal sign will be stored as its value. e.g. 
   data.zoosystem.CompInfo.x = y. 
   b) 1 row of channel names of n elements 'a b c d ... n'. Each column will form a channel
   name in the zoo file. e.g. data.a, data.b, data.c, ...data.n. These channels will be 
   considered video channels. 
   c) n rows of data. Each column in the data field is assumed to be related to the columns
   in the channel names 
 - If the text file does not meet these criteria, it should be possible to modify this function
   relatively easily

 See also c3d2zoo, readcsv


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